Monday, April 27, 2009

One Step Closer....

A step closer
To my dreams
I did it today

Another step closer
My song writing
My lifelong passion

Move me a step closer
A lyrics 2 years old
And a 20 minutes young

Why is it a step closer?
I finally print it out
And pass it off

Is it really a step closer?
God knows..!
But I am happier!

I did it! Finally I plucked my courage and print out 2 of my song lyrics, in BM to a composer. It hasn't reach him yet, as of now, on the way. But I asked his mom, is it good? She said, Very good, I almost cried! Wow...! Actually I wanted to cry when I proof-read it for the last time before the printing. Its a song that truly described me.

The other one, the 20 minutes old song, is about a never ending relationship. Just one of those moods that has nothing to do with me now, but I figured that's how one feels in anticipation.

One more step one of my dreams!


jaflam said...

hai Ydiana,
Congrats and wish you every success in your life long dream.

Would luv to hear the song on air in the near future. Keep me posted.

Take care & reach for the sky!

Ydiana said...


Nice of you to drop in! Not sure if congraulations is in order yet, as the song is yet to be evaluated etc etc...haha! But thanks anyway!

Hopefully it will be on air by this Raya.....hopefully.....!